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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Ha del Castillo!
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Mensaje por Ha del Castillo! Mar Mayo 17, 2011 1:03 am

Os hago una traduccion resumida, soy de ciencias, jajaja

So will you be adding a new boss at the precinct next season?
Marlowe: That's one of the opportunities we're looking to take. Everybody's getting along really well in the precinct, and we think there can be a little more conflict. We think it's interesting to grow Beckett and Castle by having somebody who may not look as favorably on Beckett as the Captain did or may not look as favorably on the Castle-Beckett relationship. That's all stuff we're plotting out for next year as we speak.
Le preguntan por un posible nuevo jefe y responde que es una posibilidad ya que puede crear conflicto en la comisaría, Beckett no estaría tan protegida o no vería con buenos ojos el tipo de relacion entre Castle y Beckett.

The finale also reveals that there's still a mystery man out there connected to Johanna Beckett's murder.
Marlowe: We have a great concept of how we want to follow that up in the next couple of seasons. That's going to be vital in some decisions I'm making going into next season. We foreshadowed it a bit with Castle having to protect Beckett from herself at the end of the episode. Next season, with Castle knowing somebody is out there, [Beckett] becomes his responsibility. It changes the nature of their relationship and makes it significantly more interesting, especially given what happens the last 10 seconds of the show.
Hablan sobre el misterioso hombre detrás de la muerte de la madre de Beckett y dice que CAstle,sabiendo de la existencia de este hombre y lo que siente hacia Beckett se sentirá responsable de protegerla

Indeed. Let's talk about that cliff-hanger. Are you prepared for the hate mail?
Marlowe: I do have an expectation that certain fans are going to be really, really frustrated. We have really tremendous, loyal fans and to make them wait all those months I think is going to be really frustrating to them. Hopefully people will be interested to see how we deal with it next year. I do think, for the relationship fans, having Castle admit his feelings to Beckett is a great moment for them.
Habla de la reacción de los fans, que sabe que los habrá frustrados, pero que los fans quieren saber lo que pasará la próxima temporada. Que los shippers están contentos porque Castle ha revelado sus sentimientos
Did Beckett hear and understand Castle say "I love you" before she went unconscious?
Marlowe: I think in that moment she does. I know exactly how I'm dealing with it next season, but it would be unfair to the experience of the audience to tell them right now.
Le preguntan si Beckett oye y entiende a castle cuando le dice Te Quiero antes de perder la conciencia, y dice que cree que ella en ese momento lo oye y lo entiende. Pero la forma en la que lo va manejar la próxima Temporada no la a decir

Esto me huele a que Beckett se va a olvidar

What can you say about that relationship moving forward?
Marlowe: I think people will be frustrated until I do the next set of reveals at midseason. My feeling about TV audiences is that they love to be frustrated and then fulfilled. What we're telling here is a great love story, and great love stories take a long time to resolve. Feelings ebb and flow, relationships are complicated, timing is wrong. I do know where I want to end up with these people. I know what the resolution is between them but there's a lot of great storytelling between now and then.
Habla sobre el avance de la relación de C/B y dice que la audiencia se sentirá frustrada hasta mediados de la 4º temporada. Que cree que a la gente le gusta frustrarse y despues alegrarse. Que lo que él está contando es una historia de amor, que tomará tiempo resolverla. Que los sentimientos van y vienen, que la relaciones son complicadas y que la sincronización es mala. Él sabe donde quiere llevarlos y que mientras tanto hay una historia que contar

Are you concerned with dragging it too long and losing viewer interest? You recently commented about Bones doing just that.
Marlowe: When I express some concerns about models of the other shows, it's when the relationship becomes stagnant. When there is no movement, there is no growth and the characters start to feel like brother and sister because they lose the spark. My goal is to not lose the spark, and I know that's a challenge when you keep people apart for a long time. Keeping them apart can be frustrating, but I also feel like moments at the end of the swimmer episode are enormously gratifying because of everything that's come before. The hero's journey is about going through all sorts of difficulty to obtain your prize and having little victories along the way. My hope is that at the end of the day, it feels like a hero's journey.

Le preguntan si le preocupa que la gente deje de ver la serie como pasa con Bones y dice que la relacion de los personajes pierde chispa cuando parecen hermanos, que el no quiere perder ese chispa, y que es un reto ya que tienes que mantenerlos separados por un largo tiempo. Dice que puede ser frustrante, pero que momentos como el final de "dead pool" (beckett dice always) gratifican enormemente. Que esto es como un viaje de un héroe donde va acumulando premios y victorias.

Esto me suena a que nos trata como elefantes de zoo al que de vez en cuando hay que dar un cacahuete para que se calle o una foca para que de palmas cuando le dan un pescaito.

Will there at least be some payoff to Castle's admission of love?
Marlowe: During Season 4 there will be some payoff to what he said in that moment. It's not going to necessarily come the way the fans like. And I'm sure some of them will feel like I've skirted the issue initially and then come to realize that I've dealt with it in an interesting character way. The questions are going to be answered. I think people felt like we dropped the kiss or we dropped the freezing together, but it was always my intention to bring it up as a relationship issue [in the finale]. Hopefully people will be interested to see how we deal with it next year, and how we overcome the argument they've had in the middle of this episode. The issue of "Why aren't we talking about this? Why aren't we confronting it?"

Le preguntan si habrá alguna recompensa a la confesión (de amor) de Castle. Dice que sí, pero que no será como los fans esperan. Que las preguntas serán contestadas. Que la próxima temporada estaremos interesados en ver como lidiar con la falta de comunicación entre los protas.
Is Beckett's boyfriend Josh still a possible obstacle?
Marlowe: He's still out there, and he's somebody we're going to have to deal with. He's an element moving forward and it'll be interesting to see how that functions.

La pregunta del millón: es el novio de Beckett un posible obstáculo? a lo que el responde, él está todavía ahí, es alguien con el que vamos a tener que lidiar. Es un elemento en avance y será interesante ver cómo funciona

What's going to be the driving force in Season 4?
Marlowe: There's going to be a real push and pull between Beckett and Castle. Beckett's going to want to look into [this new mystery man] and Castle's going to have very specific reasons why he doesn't want her to. He'll end up with a little more information than she has, and he can't be honest with her about it. It's going to cause a complexity in their relationship that's going to be interesting.
Por último que va a ser la fuerza que dirigirá la 4 temporada? dice que va a haber un verdadero toma y daca entre Beckett y Castle, que Beckett querrá buscar el hombre misterioso y Castle tendrá razones de peso para que ella no lo haga, ya que él dispondrá de más información que ella y no podrá ser honesto con ella. que eso va a crear una complejidad en la relación que va a ser interesante

Creo que Mongomery le ha mandado la información.

Última edición por Ha del Castillo! el Mar Mayo 17, 2011 7:27 am, editado 4 veces
Ha del Castillo!
Ha del Castillo!
Actor en Broadway
Actor en Broadway

Mensajes : 233
Fecha de inscripción : 26/02/2011
Localización : donde me pille

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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada Empty Re: Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Mensaje por V_K Mar Mayo 17, 2011 1:33 am

Gracias por la entrevista!!! Happy Clap Lo de Josh es para enterrarlos vivos, pero tengo curiosidad de por donde llevará la siguiente temporada. Me alegro de que tenga claro que quiere hacer con ella, esperemos que el famoso 'plan' valga la pena Very Happy

Mensajes : 1624
Fecha de inscripción : 22/01/2011
Localización : En ningún sitio, soy un holograma.

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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada Empty Re: Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Mensaje por amnigl Mar Mayo 17, 2011 1:38 am

La cosa tiene su miga. Como ya he sugerido al comentar el capitulo parece que Montgomery le ha mandado toda la información que seguramente ha ido recogiendo sobre el caso de su madre y del Dragon (creo que realmente el no sabia quienes eran en realidad, supongo que le daban las ordenes de alguna manera oculta o algo asi) a Castle. ¿Que supone esto? Que seguramente sera algo tan complicado y llegara a tan altas esferas que Castle se lo oculte a Kate (aunque esta siga erre que erre) y tenga un conflicto interior por esto. Eso sí, estoy segura de que no se va a limitar a guardar la información de Montgomery y ya esta. Intentará seguir con la misma por su cuenta. Siempre he pensado que debe haber jueces, fiscales y politicos en esta trama. Y ahi nuestro chico siempre se había sabido mover.
Autor de best-seller
Autor de best-seller

Mensajes : 956
Fecha de inscripción : 23/02/2011
Edad : 55
Localización : Córdoba

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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada Empty Re: Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Mensaje por Rossetta Mar Mayo 17, 2011 11:02 am

Creo que no los juntan ni el octava temporada. Siempre es lo mismo y siempre es igual. En todas las series!
Ayudante de policia
Ayudante de policia

Mensajes : 70
Fecha de inscripción : 07/05/2011
Edad : 35
Localización : Asturias

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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada Empty Re: Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Mensaje por Raquel Miér Mayo 18, 2011 2:48 am

Coincido con amnigl, está claro ahora que es a Castle a quien envía los papeles.
Joder con Josh....pero qué les ha dado para hacerle novio permanente de Beckett, para eso Demming Razz , jeje.
De verdad que no se entiende lo de Josh No No It\'s no Think
Te digo yo que en el primer cap de la 4T, ni convaleciente Beckett, ni I love you que valga, ya veréis como les vemos resolviendo un caso como si tal cosa, y sin hablar de lo que pasó. (Ojalá me equivoque).
Policia de homicidios
Policia de homicidios

Mensajes : 742
Fecha de inscripción : 28/07/2010
Edad : 43
Localización : Valladolid

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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada Empty Re: Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Mensaje por Jorja Miér Mayo 18, 2011 5:50 am

Vamos a sufrirrrr, oh si... Y la verdad que no me gusta sufrir... Bueno, un poqito, pero no muchooooo
Escritor - Policia
Escritor - Policia

Mensajes : 1887
Fecha de inscripción : 12/03/2011
Edad : 34

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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada Empty Re: Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Mensaje por Duende Jue Mayo 19, 2011 1:42 am


know you’re sitting sea side right now, but have you seen any of the Internet reaction to the finale?
ANDREW MARLOWE: Yeah, I was on Twitter and a lot of the fans were nice enough to leave their thoughts with me on Twitter, so that was very exciting.
I’m not getting the sense that they’re as angry as you thought they might be.
[Laughs] Well, I didn’t know. I knew that I was going to give them something emotionally satisfying, but I also wanted them to be prepared going in that it was going to end on a cliffhanger. But I think that for the ‘shippers, there was some sense of relief that Castle got to say what he wanted to say and that in the argument they were able to put their cards on the table. Then when we get to the final scene, he’s able to admit his feelings for her. So I think there was some really good resolution in that while we had all the other stuff. I think if we didn’t have that resolution, people would have felt a little unsatisfied.
Speaking of that last scene where he says the big ‘I love you,’ Kate’s alive… right?
I think people have to tune in this fall to see.
Well, I’m at least assuming she was wearing a vest …
You don’t expect to get shot at a funeral. I’ll tell you that she was not wearing a vest. I can tell you that, yeah.
So are we going to see Beckett recovery time next season or will we have a time jump when she’s back in action?
I have not fully finished constructing the season premiere episode for [season] 4. There are a lot of moving parts that I’m going to have to deal with. There may be a time cut, but we’ll probably most likely be picking up right after the events of the shooting and dealing with the aftermath. And then a time jump somewhere in the episode.
So, why did you decided to shoot Beckett?
Well, it felt like a natural extension of the storytelling that we’re doing, and this case is the case where Beckett is most vulnerable, and Castle is at his most mature. But it also comes with a complication, and the complication is this: It’s that if Castle hadn’t urged Beckett to look into her mother’s case in episode 10′s first season, none of this would have happened. You know, Montgomery wouldn’t be dead, secrets would still be buried, Beckett’s life wouldn’t be hanging in the balance. So you know, there’s certainly going to be some guilt he’s gotta work through, and with Beckett knowing what’s at stake, this is one case where rationality flies out the window, where she basically goes and runs out into traffic. She can’t help herself. So how that’s all going to resolve next season, we have a really good and interesting angle on it. That’s something that I think fans will be really interested in when they tune in to see how we’re going to conduct things next year.
Is part of that angle dealing with the man who shot Beckett?
Yeah. In a way. But it has much more to do with the Beckett-Castle relationship.
So you said Castle is going to deal with guilt. Will part of that also come from him not being able to save her as he did in the midseason finale?
Mmhmm. Yeah, I think it’s only natural that anybody in that situation, if they aren’t able to do that, would feel that way. Absolutely.
Will this become a more personal fight for Castle now that Beckett was injured?
Well, what I’ll say about that — because I’m trying to keep some things a surprise for early next season — is that those questions are going to figure prominently in how we’re coming back and how we’re defining the next stage of their relationship.
Speaking of important stages: The “I Love you.” Is that going to be ignored next season?
No, it’s not going to be ignored. It’s going to be confronted, but it’s going to be confronted in a very Castle-ish kind of way. The show has a tendency, when it confronts things, not to go head-to-head with something. So we are going to deal with that in storytelling in a way that is really organic to this relationship and to their growth.
You really took on so many issues in this episode — which one of these steps did you consider the biggest?
For me, there were two big ones. The fight in her apartment — but the reason why that was so effective, to me, is that it’s been coming for basically two-and-a-half seasons. [They've had] to get to the point where they were both so emotionally raw that Castle could say, “I don’t know what the hell we are.” We’re doing this dance, and I think it’s really refreshing to have them acknowledge the dance and have the two of them interact with each other. And also him getting to the point where he didn’t want to wait ’til it was too late to say what was on his mind. [Even though] he may have been too late.
I was in love with the airport scene. How much was improv and how much of that was in the script? From him holding her against the car, to him mouthing “I’m sorry”…
I have to say that that is one of the great culminations of Will Beall’s great writing and Rob Bowman’s great directing, and two actors who are in excellent from. That was really a culmination of three tremendous elements, and everybody really had a hand in really crafting that moment.The attitude, the point of view, was all written down. The amount of emotion that Stana [Katic] poured into it and Nathan [Fillion]’s reaction to it… a lot of that happened on the day, and it was beautifully shot by the team.
I usually have some sense of composure, but I was, honestly, such a mess! It was shameful.
Good, we did our job. [Laughs]
Do you get emotional reading any of this?
My relationship to it is much different because, you know, I’m there helping to craft those moments, so I knew that we’re hitting the chord. I had that feeling. But my point of view was more how can we elicit the emotion from the scene, how can we really honor people. It was hard to be around for me emotionally when Montgomery’s character got shot. [He was] the first of the character that I created during the pilot who died. So it really did feel like to all of us that there was a significant death in the family, so we really mourned his loss. But the emotions of these moments that you guys are going through are mitigated by the fact that I know what the outcomes are. [Laughs]
Speaking of Montgomery — how long was this in the plan?
We knew for sure in January. We had been toying with the storyline. Will Beall came in with a really great angle on these mythology stories, and we all worked with him to craft this. It was coming at a point where I felt like some of the relationships needed to evolve, and we needed to challenge some of our core family. This was a really interesting way to do that, to help our relationships get to the next level. So it was a confluence of events where it just seemed to make absolute creative sense for the show. And it’s always really difficult because Ruben [Santiago-Hudson]’s been just a tremendous asset, and nothing but an enormous professional for us.
He did an outstanding job on his last scene.
He’s never been better. He is a tremendously talented actor, and he’s also a very gifted emotional actor. I think sometimes, you know, when he’s a guy who people download information into or he’s just giving the facts, it’s really not taking advantage of his enormous strengths as an emotional actor, and this was really an opportunity to have him shine, and boy, did he do a great job.
Next step would be a new boss. What kind of person are you looking for?
Well, that’s something I’m not going to think about until the end of the week. I’m going to relax for a couple of days. We are looking at bringing somebody in who’s going to present a little bit more of a challenge to our characters in the precinct. So we’re looking forward to having somebody show up who helps our characters grow and opens them up in new ways while continuing to make sure that the experience of the show, the Castle experience, remains the same for the fans.
Some readers suggested bringing on a female boss.
Yeah, I certainly would consider that. It actually would be very interesting. Not to get ahead of myself, but it’s something that has been considered, but I haven’t formally landed on anything yet. There are a lot of riches to that, but there are also some surprises in store for the fans.


Escritor - Policia
Escritor - Policia

Mensajes : 1212
Fecha de inscripción : 01/03/2011
Edad : 35
Localización : Galicia

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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada Empty Re: Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Mensaje por angel3001es Jue Mayo 19, 2011 2:26 am

Para Rossetta.

¿Conoces chuck o has visto algo de esa serie en la 3 temporada o la 4 ?
Creo que esta serie rompe esa regla y tampoco le ha ido mal teniendo en cuenta lo mal que la ha tratado la nbc
Actor en Broadway
Actor en Broadway

Mensajes : 207
Fecha de inscripción : 28/11/2010
Edad : 44
Localización : santander

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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada Empty Re: Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Mensaje por Rizoss Jue Mayo 19, 2011 4:51 am

Me gusta la idea tanto de un nuevo capitán que haga que se tengan que unir contra un "enemigo" común, por no querer a Castle en la comisaría o no estar de acuerdo con lo métodos de Beckett, como de un nuevo personaje femenino, que le quite el poder a Kate de algún modo e intente hacerse con la gracia de Castle! Hasta ahora nuestra detective favorita ha tenido prácticamente el control de la comisaría, hacía lo que le daba la gana y, seamos sinceros, todos sabemos como somos las mujeres, un hombre podría acabar tolerándolo como lo hacía Montgomery, pero una mujer.... Pueden acabar arrancándose los ojos! (Estoy pensando en Body of Proof,
Autor de best-seller
Autor de best-seller

Mensajes : 828
Fecha de inscripción : 23/02/2011
Edad : 32
Localización : Vigo

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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada Empty Re: Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Mensaje por angel3001es Jue Mayo 19, 2011 8:43 am

Lo que habria que hacer es bloquear el twiter de nathan nillon metiendole presion para que les lien ya..... Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Actor en Broadway
Actor en Broadway

Mensajes : 207
Fecha de inscripción : 28/11/2010
Edad : 44
Localización : santander

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Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada Empty Re: Entrevista Andrew Marlowe sobre 4ª Temporada

Mensaje por Beckito Jue Mayo 19, 2011 9:20 am

Rossetta escribió:Creo que no los juntan ni el octava temporada. Siempre es lo mismo y siempre es igual. En todas las series!

¿en la 8ª? ¿donde hay que firmar? ojalá esta serie tenga tantas temporadas como `urgencias´ que fueron lo menos 15...con respecto a lo de juntarlos, vi una serie de la que no recuerdo el nombre ahora, en la que los protas se declaraban su amor y lo sellaban apasionadamente en los últimos minutos de la serie justo antes del fin.
Escritor - Policia
Escritor - Policia

Mensajes : 1252
Fecha de inscripción : 19/05/2011
Edad : 30
Localización : Andalucía sólo hay una

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